Spirituality – connect with yourself


Individuality of  a person can be defined deep within themselves.  Its the body connecting with soul and mind and revelation of true self. It is connecting with your self. In the rat race of world we delve more into what’s happening outside rather than getting in touch with our own selves. 

Spirituality is a broader concept than it may actually appear and has varied meaning for everyone and many of them would be right. For some it is the connection with a supreme soul or super power, for others it can be getting to know oneself and accepting the life as it is being served to us. Spirituality is actually a beautiful blend of all of these meanings. It is knowing yourself, accepting life and connecting with the one power that runs the world. Spirituality is the path of enlightenment.

Religion and spirituality are two terms whose meaning is often diluted and they are used instead of one another. But in reality religion and spirituality are two distant siblings. Being religious is being (somewhat) spiritual but in no condition is being spiritual same as or close to being religious.

Religion is believing and worshiping a super natural power often referred to as God (Gods). Religion breathes and soars on the concept of believing in super humans who have benefited mankind or saved them from adversity during the earlier centuries of humans existence.

Spirituality is connecting with yourself. It’s not worshiping rather it is questioning the common beliefs and quenching the thirst of truth. It is getting to  know the truth of every thing, to reason and then connecting with it. While religion fails to provide answers to the existence of beliefs, the foundation of spirituality itself is reasoning. While religion is all about praying and chanting names, spirituality is meditating and finding answers.

Meditation is analyze all the thoughts that come in mind and channelizing them in proper manner. We all get positive (constructive, progressing, necessary) and negative thoughts (destructive, deteriorating, unnecessary) . We can’t guard our mind from thinking but we sure can choose what we want to think about. Meditation is the key to drive our thoughts in the way we desire. Through meditation we can channelize our thoughts and side track all those thoughts that pull you back. Focusing on the thoughts that make you fly and help in soaring high. Meditation is the path to truth and connecting to self and the super natural power. Meditation connects you to yourself.

Spirituality is not just set of beliefs rather it’s a deeper concept of and unlike religion it’s based on truth and reasons.

Take a dip in the ocean of spirituality.