How to Look More Attractive?


Everyone wants to always look their best. Give an option nobody would try to shrug away from being the centre of attraction. And honestly, being attractive has nothing to do with looks. We all are beautiful, and it’s all about enhancing the given beauty in order to appear attractive. These are some quick tips that will help you look more attractive irrespective of your gender.

Take care of personal hygiene
This is a no-brainer; nobody likes an unkempt person. You sure would get attention but people won’t be admiring you. Hence, in order to look attractive you should first maintain personal hygiene- brush twice daily, shower once a day, shave whenever needed, trim your nails, follow a skincare routine twice daily and using a cologne after shower. Ensure washing your hair every alternate or after three days to avoid oily and itchy scalp. Keep mint or mouth spray to avoid bad breath. Ensure that you look clean and smell good to collect the easy brownie points.

Groom well
Whether you are a man or woman grooming is equally important. Keep trimming your hair timely. If you are a man maintain your stubble or clean shaven face, whichever you like and are comfortable with. If you are a woman ensure that your facial hair is well off the shore until of course you really can carry them off like they don’t even exist. It is necessary to know what style suits you because style is never universal. Choose styles that compliment your gifted features to look your best and get set for those head turns the next time you walk in a party.

Dress appropriately
“A man can be judged by the shoes he wears.”  This statement might look like a drunken man’s statement but then it’s true. Since that’s the first thing people see even before you come close to them and strike a conversation. Dress and shoes can make or break your personality even before you get the chance to show the real you. You don’t need to be ramp walk ready all the time but wear fitted clothes that appear like they were made for you. Your shoes should not only compliment your attire and accessories but also make you feel comfortable. Wear six inches heels only if you can walk in them or leather shoes when you don’t get irritated by them. But that doesn’t mean you can wear jersey, joggers and sports shoes they suit you only when you are working out. So no matter how comfortable in them, ditch them.

Eat well and exercise
Don’t think eating well and exercising is limited to good health, it also makes you look good and you feel more confident about your body. Also, it will ensure your shirt’s buttons are no more struggling to keep your shirt close or your jeans is going to tear apart as soon as you bend or stretch a little. You won’t require buying over sized clothes to hide those bulges rather you can tuck in your t-shirt and flaunt your flat belly or wear a bodycon dress and flaunt your curves. But in no manner do we imply you to go on a strict diet, starve yourself and workout for two hours. We simply suggest you to eat right and spend half an hour to an hour in playing any sport or going for jog or if you feel like hit the gym.

Stay updated
By now you must have mastered the art of grabbing attention by your appearance, it’s now time to hold that attention by presenting a smart mouth and being a conversation starter. Its one thing to grab attention but it’s completely different to make those head turners come up to talk to you. Hence, work on your communication skills and stay updated with recent things. No, you don’t have to be Google but don’t even end up being a dumb head who lives on Mars and hence unaware of what happened on earth.

Be confident
How many times have you come across the phrase- “Confidence is sexy.” If you didn’t believe it till now, start doing it from now. Confidence is indeed the sexiest attire and that too it’s uni-sexual. Never forget to wear it every day. Be it your walk, the way you talk or the way you make your presence felt, it needs to be confident. No matter how right or important you are trying to make it may as well not be said if it isn’t said with confidence.

And smile
Didn’t you already know that we would mention this. Smile is not only the sexiest curve on a woman but also an adorable charm of a man. Just like confidence never leave your bed without a smile. Pass smile to strangers on streets, greet everyone with a smile, basically always keep smiling and spreading smile until and unless you are at a mourning function (hope you know why).

Time to not only make your presence felt but be the shining star!