Real Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution


Start on January 1

We all start planning for our New Year’s resolution ten days prior to New Year and plan for it every New Year, but it’s not a surprise that many of us fail to stick to it for more than ten days. Here are some real ways through which you can make your New Year’s resolution work this time, for sure. You can thank us later.

Be realistic
Don’t try to think of a resolution as a complete makeover plan, be realistic. Don’t be harsh on yourself. Set resolution as a small change that you would like to start. For instance, if your New Year’s resolution is to wake up early then if you were a person waking up at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. then start by waking up an hour early rather than setting a target as 4 a.m. If you plan to start working out start with a 15 minutes jog rather than an hour at the gym. Set a resolution that you can actually start doing from the next day. Now, don’t get us wrong when we say don’t be harsh on yourself by making a New Year’s resolution of not eating a vegetable that you already hated.

3Have the right approach
Think of New Year’s resolution as a habit and not as something you want to do just for a day or for that year. Think of it as a small step towards your successful life rather than something you are doing because you see everyone else doing it. That’s a really bad way of looking at your New Year’s resolution. How you look at your resolution is as crucial as having it.

4Write it down
You might think what difference will writing your resolution make but hold on to that thought there only and rather try doing it because it will help you in committing to it better. You are more likely to do the things that you write down rather than just say in your head. So, write down your resolution and stick it somewhere you would cross over and over again in a day.

Sand running through the bulbs of an hourglass measuring the passing time in a countdown to a deadline on a dark background with copyspace ** Note: Soft Focus at 100%, best at smaller sizesChange is a slow process
Understand that change is a slow process it will happen gradually, hence, stick to your resolution even if it is taking time. Even though your resolution might still appear a far fetched idea even after it’s been quite a few days to New Year but still stay consistent and keep pushing yourself and let the change happen gradually.

6Believe in yourself
This is something all of us fail to do when it comes to New Year’s resolution. We tend to not trust our capabilities of sticking to our resolutions due to various reasons one of them could be because you couldn’t do it in the past. But it’s time for you to dust off your past and believe that you can do it. We trust you.

SONY DSCTrack your progress
Keep tracking your progress over time period, for example you can analyse it weekly or monthly depending on your resolution. For instance if your resolution was to start waking up early, analyse it weekly, if it was to lose weight analyse it monthly. Tracking your progress will not only keep you updated with the reality of change that has happened since New Year but also keep you motivated.

8Celebrate your achievements
It is important for you to keep analyzing yourself but it is more important to celebrate your achievements but in a realistic way which will help you work harder and sore higher. Don’t end up having a large size pizza because you lost a kilo, you will only end up feeling guilty. What you can do is rather gift yourself a new dress, workout clothes is a good option. You would really feel happy when you embrace that new dress and that will help you shed all the extra kilos that you planned for.

So, what are you waiting for? Time to make that New Year’s resolution and make it work this time for real.