7 Habits for a Healthy You


Since childhood we have been listening to all kinds of dos and don’ts for a better life and let’s not lie that we all have hated it at one point of life. But you know what all those things are actually right.

Word on yellow wall

Hence, this list is probably going to be a new brainer and that’s the sole reason why you need to add these habits in your daily regime for a healthy, happy and long life.


Rise with the sun
I know what you are thinking, ‘What a stupid thing’ and ‘As if we haven’t heard it before’. But no honestly, it’s the best way to start your day. It will make you realise that we have been gifted with a pretty long day, most of which is usually wasted in sleep. Yes, I know what you will say, “How can we wake up early when our day ends after 12 a.m. every day?”  But give it a short and trust me you will be thankful to yourself for taking this decision (and us for asking you to try 😛 )

Start and end your day with 2 glasses of water
This is easy, right? So, start doing it from the next time you wake up. You know there is a reason why we can’t survive without water. One reason is because we humans are made of 70% of water. The other reason is water is a magical potion which will help clear toxins from your body, increase your metabolism, aid weight loss (if you take it warm with a spoon of lemon juice), improve appetite and prevent headaches.

Businessman with alarm clock on head, studio shot.Dedicate an hour for self
Do you love yourself? Obviously you do then please dedicate an hour to yourself every day. Go for a walk with some good songs, hit the gym, do yoga or go swimming. But try to do it alone. The reason behind this is if you go in company you will start relying on that person and might miss this step without company. Also, you will get time to introspect and help you in becoming a better you.

4Stretch after every two hours
No, we are not asking you to do all that stretching you were taught in school but a five minute arms and legs stretch and forward and back bend will ensure that you don’t strain yourself and don’t end up being a regular visitor to an orthopaedic clinic in your forties. Trust us; you will save a lot of money by doing this.

5Laugh for at least 10 minutes a day
Be it a funny thing or not try to LOL for real at least 10 minutes day (we would suggest you to do more though). First thing it will make you feel happy and second thing it has secret health benefits. Well, not really secret, it helps exercising your facial muscles and also, helps you releasing stress.


Add a fruit in each meal
Since we might have sounded a bit harsh telling you to do this and do that so here is a thing you might love doing. Try to have a fruit along with every meal, and no not a slice of apple or a single grape won’t help, try to have a whole apple or a small bowl full of grapes. Actually, any food you love will help in making you healthy. How? Fruits provide all the necessary for our health.

7Sleep early
If you follow the first step this will happen automatically happen. But in case you are reading this article and the clock shows 10 p.m. then finish reading this article set an alarm, have a glass of water and sleep. There is a reason why sleep is often referred to beauty. Sleeping for a good 6-8 hours calms the mind and prepares it for the next day, also it indeed works great for your skin since most of the repairing and growth of the body happens at night. And do we need to tell you that not having proper sleep leads to dark circles which we guess nobody would prefer to have until and unless you are a panda or racoon.