Acing an Interview 101


Interview a word that gives chills down the spine to most of us until we are the one taking it and not applying for. We all get those nightmares of doing something stupid the night before. Here are is your guide that will help you keep calm and give your best.

Keep your bio-data up-to-date
Whether you apply for a job or not once you finish high school and start your graduation it’s always better to start maintain your bio data, resume and curriculum vitae and yes all the three are different. Once you get into the habit of this you wouldn’t need to be cautious having missed out on something. Once you achieve something which is that is going to help you in your field of interest you should add it in your bio data, resume and CV. Updated information will always help you win brownie points.

Dress well
Your appearance tells a lot about your personality and your perspective towards the job. It’s always better if you invest well in your clothes that you are going to wear to your interview. When you wear clothes that fit you well will not only make you appear confident but also have a good impression on your interviewers. When you try to put in efforts on your appearance it shows and when it show it displays your seriousness towards the opportunity you have been offered. But don’t go all overboard, just go with trust worthy pieces like tailored shirts in subtle colour, dark well fitted pants and a blazer or if you are comfortable a tie.

Research well about the company you are applying for so that you don’t end up in an awkward situation. Don’t stress yourself by trying to be the Google for the company but at least know your company, the job you are applying for, their expectations from the employee and walk in the room with necessary knowledge to be all ready to answer their questions.

Practice and rehearse
Yeah we know that you don’t have cue about what questions you will be asked but you can at least practice the basic questions like- describe yourself, why should you be hired and what are you looking for from the job. Practice and rehearse these questions so that these questions won’t make you sit there and ponder while you make weird sounds like “Umm”, “Aaa”, “Hmm”, etc. Also, when you rehearse well you can check for any grammatical error or pronunciation issues that you might be facing.

Stay confident
One need not be told why confidence is necessary in life. You need to appear confident right from the moment when you walk in, wish them and make yourself comfortable. Even if you are contradicting their views and you know that you are right say it in a subtle way but confidently. Don’t say anything that you don’t believe or else you will end up losing your confidence and putting up a bad show. Always remember you are walking in that door just once so make the best out of it.

Smile and glide into the good books of your interviewers but that doesn’t mean you should be smiling so much that they either call up psychiatrist or throw you out of the room. Greeting them with smile and occasional smiles to avoid awkward silence would do the job. If you feel really happy to have received such an opportunity smile when you answer. Also, don’t smile like an emoticon just smile the amount you would for a passport photograph and that would work just as fine.

Go rock that interview.